Requirements Overview
Remember that the one who signs your pay check has the final word on what format is correct. Whatever guide your company provides is the guide to follow. This is a guide for my classes. It is not the only right way to format a report, and it does treat the report's first body page differently than your textbook suggests. The textbook is not wrong, but I like the logic of the APA first page format with the report title, an introductory paragraph to the report, and then the first heading. I am the pay-check signer here, so this is how we will do it. Your job is to learn to follow detailed instructions, not to learn how to always do it my way. Your goal is to learn-how-to-learn while picking up some pointers about expected elements for different kinds of proposals and reports. No two reports are exactly alike, even annual reports.
Report Checklist
Follow the page set up requirements located on the main format page.
Begin on a new page (use a hard page break).
Page heading: Same as Previous (blank)
Page footing: Same as Previous (blank)
Use the line spacing decision for the report body.
Like a cover letter, which is a transmittal for a resume, a transmittal must include the who, what, when, where, and why necessary to transmit the report.
The letter/memo decision is based on an internal or external audience. If the report is sent as an electronic file attached to an email, the body of the email may be considered an appropriate format for the transmittal message. However, for coursework, transmittals will be attached word document files.
A transmittal should be no more than one page.
Title page
Begin on a new page (use a hard page break).
Page heading: Same as Previous (blank)
Page footing: Same as Previous (blank)
Use the line spacing decision for the report body.
Place the title on the first line using APA Level 1 heading (centered with upper and lower case letters).
Line justification is flush left leaving a ragged right margin
Title: Place the first line of the title three lines under a logo if one is used. Use APA Level 1 Heading (centered, upper & lower case letters); if the title exceeds four inches (4") and will comfortably split into two or more lines, do so retaining double line spacing. Note that the title of the paper.
Prepared-for block: Include a single line spaced block, centered, starting 4 lines under the title. Include (a) Prepared for and an extra line space, (b) the client's name and title, (c) the client's company name, and (d) the client's city, state, and zip code.
Prepared-by block: Include a single line spaced block, centered, starting 3 lines under the prepared-for block. Include (a) the writer's name and title, (b) the writer's company (or university), and (c) the company's or university's city, state, and zip code.
Date: Include the date American style: January 15, 2007, starting 3 lines under the prepared-by block.
Descriptive abstract, using Abstract for a heading. Keep this to a small block of text in the bottom, left corner.
Table of Contents
Insert a page break for a new page, new section
Page heading: Same as Previous (blank)
Page footing: Not Same as Previous
Start page numbering on this page with ii, centered in the footer.
Use the line spacing decision for the report body.
Place the title on the first line using APA Level 1 heading (centered with upper and lower case letters).
Line justification is flush left leaving a ragged right margin
Use leading periods to connect the text to the page number
Decimal-align the page numbers on the right margin
Use ONLY the first page number for a section (for example, use 6, not 6-8)
Include all major elements of the report, the section headings, and if appropriate the sub-section headings; however, do not include any pages prior to the ToC.
List of Illustrations
Begin on a new page (use a hard page break)
Page heading: Same as Previous (blank)
Page footing: Same as Previous (iii)
Use the line spacing decision for the report body.
Place the title on the first line using APA Level 1 heading (centered with upper and lower case letters).
Line justification is flush left leaving a ragged right margin
Include separate List of Tables and List of Figures if the entire list fits on one page. If the lists are long, separate them. In other words, do not use the "List of Illustrations" title if you need a full page or more for each list.
Executive Summary
Begin on a new page (use a hard page break).
Page heading: Same as Previous (blank)
Page footing: Same as Previous (iv)
Use the line spacing decision for the report body.
Place the title on the first line using APA Level 1 heading (centered with upper and lower case letters).
Line justification is flush left leaving a ragged right margin
Assuming the executive summary is 120 words or less, use a single paragraph with no paragraph indent (block format). Instructor permission must be obtained to vary from the 120 word, single paragraph format. For an online description of informative and descriptive abstracts, click here. For your executive summary, use an informative, not a descriptive, abstract.
Report Body
Insert a page break for a new page, new section
Page heading: Not Same as Previous. Begin page numbering with arabic numerals (1, 2, 3) starting with 1. This will require you to insert a section break after the executive summary.
Page footing: Not Same as Previous (blank)
Place the title on the first line using APA Level 1 heading (centered with upper and lower case letters).
For line spacing (double or single) check with your instructor. Normally manscripts are double spaced and business reports are single spaced. If single spaced, the lines might recieve some leading for a cleaner read. Use the same line spacing throughout the report.
Line justification is flush left leaving a ragged right margin.
Paragraph indentation depends on the line spacing. For single line spacing, do not indent paragraphs but do include an extra line between paragraphs. For double line spacing, use the paragraph format settings for "first line" for a 5-space indentation.
Avoid widows and orphans.
Try to use only two levels of headings: APA Level 1 Heading (centered with upper and lower case letters) for the report title and the titles on these pages: Table of Contents, List of Illustrations, Executive Summary, report title on first body page, References, and Appendix. For internal sections, use APA Level 3 Heading (flush left with upper and lower case letters, italics). See also the APA heading levels chart at
Use a hard page break to end the report body (use CONTROL + ENTER to insert a hard page break).
Report Illustrations (Tables and Figures)
The Basic Elements for Visuals
Table and figure visuals will include the following five elements:
1. Introduction of the visual in the text including reference to the visual by it's caption.
2. The visual's caption: Table # or Figure #
3. The visual's title (italics for tables, not italics for figures; upper and lower case lettering)
4. The visual
5. Notes (in italics) follow the visual and include explanation, data source (if not the result of
original research), or both
Special Features of Tables
Tables follow these formatting rules:
• Caption placement: top of table
• Table caption (number) first line, normal font
• Table title in normal italics font on second line
• Headers and sub-headers as appropriate
• Data presented in columns and rows
• Use of horizontal lines at the top, bottom, and dividing sections, but no vertical lines
Special Features of Figures
Figures follow these formatting rules:
• Caption placement: bottom of figure
• Figure caption (number) and title (not italics) are on the same line
• Notes (in italics) follow the figure caption and title to provide source information
Begin on a new page (use a hard page break after the last report body page).
Page heading: Same as previous
Page footing: Same as previous (blank)
Place the title on the first line using APA Level 1 heading (centered with upper and lower case letters): References
Use the line spacing decision for the document situation.
Line justification is flush left leaving a ragged right margin.
Use the paragraph format setting, "hanging."
Alphabetize the list by the first word in the author position. If that word is used for another item, use the next word (or the next, or the next, etc) for alphabetizing.
Use APA format for the list items. Help with some common difficulties is found below. In addition, the Purdue OWL provides quick-access help for formatting references in APA style.
Use a hard page break to end the References page (use CONTROL + ENTER to insert a hard page break).
Begin on a new page (use a hard page break after the last item on the References page).
Page heading: Same as previous
Place the title on the first line using APA Level 1 heading (centered with upper and lower case letters): Appendix for one. If you have more than one, use capital letters: Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.
Use the line spacing decision for the document situation.
Line justification is flush left leaving a ragged right margin.
Use the paragraph format setting, "none."
Use APA table and figure guidelines. (See above)
Use a hard page break to end each Appendix page (use CONTROL + ENTER to insert a hard page break).
Follow the page set up requirements located on the main format page.
Begin on a new page (use a hard page break).
Page heading: Same as Previous (blank)
Page footing: Same as Previous (blank)
Use the line spacing decision for the report body.
Like a cover letter, which is a transmittal for a resume, a transmittal must include the who, what, when, where, and why necessary to transmit the report.
The letter/memo decision is based on an internal or external audience. If the report is sent as an electronic file attached to an email, the body of the email may be considered an appropriate format for the transmittal message. However, for coursework, transmittals will be attached word document files.
A transmittal should be no more than one page.
Title page
Begin on a new page (use a hard page break).
Page heading: Same as Previous (blank)
Page footing: Same as Previous (blank)
Use the line spacing decision for the report body.
Place the title on the first line using APA Level 1 heading (centered with upper and lower case letters).
Line justification is flush left leaving a ragged right margin
Title: Place the first line of the title three lines under a logo if one is used. Use APA Level 1 Heading (centered, upper & lower case letters); if the title exceeds four inches (4") and will comfortably split into two or more lines, do so retaining double line spacing. Note that the title of the paper.
Prepared-for block: Include a single line spaced block, centered, starting 4 lines under the title. Include (a) Prepared for and an extra line space, (b) the client's name and title, (c) the client's company name, and (d) the client's city, state, and zip code.
Prepared-by block: Include a single line spaced block, centered, starting 3 lines under the prepared-for block. Include (a) the writer's name and title, (b) the writer's company (or university), and (c) the company's or university's city, state, and zip code.
Date: Include the date American style: January 15, 2007, starting 3 lines under the prepared-by block.
Descriptive abstract, using Abstract for a heading. Keep this to a small block of text in the bottom, left corner.
Table of Contents
Insert a page break for a new page, new section
Page heading: Same as Previous (blank)
Page footing: Not Same as Previous
Start page numbering on this page with ii, centered in the footer.
Use the line spacing decision for the report body.
Place the title on the first line using APA Level 1 heading (centered with upper and lower case letters).
Line justification is flush left leaving a ragged right margin
Use leading periods to connect the text to the page number
Decimal-align the page numbers on the right margin
Use ONLY the first page number for a section (for example, use 6, not 6-8)
Include all major elements of the report, the section headings, and if appropriate the sub-section headings; however, do not include any pages prior to the ToC.
List of Illustrations
Begin on a new page (use a hard page break)
Page heading: Same as Previous (blank)
Page footing: Same as Previous (iii)
Use the line spacing decision for the report body.
Place the title on the first line using APA Level 1 heading (centered with upper and lower case letters).
Line justification is flush left leaving a ragged right margin
Include separate List of Tables and List of Figures if the entire list fits on one page. If the lists are long, separate them. In other words, do not use the "List of Illustrations" title if you need a full page or more for each list.
Executive Summary
Begin on a new page (use a hard page break).
Page heading: Same as Previous (blank)
Page footing: Same as Previous (iv)
Use the line spacing decision for the report body.
Place the title on the first line using APA Level 1 heading (centered with upper and lower case letters).
Line justification is flush left leaving a ragged right margin
Assuming the executive summary is 120 words or less, use a single paragraph with no paragraph indent (block format). Instructor permission must be obtained to vary from the 120 word, single paragraph format. For an online description of informative and descriptive abstracts, click here. For your executive summary, use an informative, not a descriptive, abstract.
Report Body
Insert a page break for a new page, new section
Page heading: Not Same as Previous. Begin page numbering with arabic numerals (1, 2, 3) starting with 1. This will require you to insert a section break after the executive summary.
Page footing: Not Same as Previous (blank)
Place the title on the first line using APA Level 1 heading (centered with upper and lower case letters).
For line spacing (double or single) check with your instructor. Normally manscripts are double spaced and business reports are single spaced. If single spaced, the lines might recieve some leading for a cleaner read. Use the same line spacing throughout the report.
Line justification is flush left leaving a ragged right margin.
Paragraph indentation depends on the line spacing. For single line spacing, do not indent paragraphs but do include an extra line between paragraphs. For double line spacing, use the paragraph format settings for "first line" for a 5-space indentation.
Avoid widows and orphans.
Try to use only two levels of headings: APA Level 1 Heading (centered with upper and lower case letters) for the report title and the titles on these pages: Table of Contents, List of Illustrations, Executive Summary, report title on first body page, References, and Appendix. For internal sections, use APA Level 3 Heading (flush left with upper and lower case letters, italics). See also the APA heading levels chart at
Use a hard page break to end the report body (use CONTROL + ENTER to insert a hard page break).
Report Illustrations (Tables and Figures)
The Basic Elements for Visuals
Table and figure visuals will include the following five elements:
1. Introduction of the visual in the text including reference to the visual by it's caption.
2. The visual's caption: Table # or Figure #
3. The visual's title (italics for tables, not italics for figures; upper and lower case lettering)
4. The visual
5. Notes (in italics) follow the visual and include explanation, data source (if not the result of
original research), or both
Special Features of Tables
Tables follow these formatting rules:
• Caption placement: top of table
• Table caption (number) first line, normal font
• Table title in normal italics font on second line
• Headers and sub-headers as appropriate
• Data presented in columns and rows
• Use of horizontal lines at the top, bottom, and dividing sections, but no vertical lines
Special Features of Figures
Figures follow these formatting rules:
• Caption placement: bottom of figure
• Figure caption (number) and title (not italics) are on the same line
• Notes (in italics) follow the figure caption and title to provide source information
Begin on a new page (use a hard page break after the last report body page).
Page heading: Same as previous
Page footing: Same as previous (blank)
Place the title on the first line using APA Level 1 heading (centered with upper and lower case letters): References
Use the line spacing decision for the document situation.
Line justification is flush left leaving a ragged right margin.
Use the paragraph format setting, "hanging."
Alphabetize the list by the first word in the author position. If that word is used for another item, use the next word (or the next, or the next, etc) for alphabetizing.
Use APA format for the list items. Help with some common difficulties is found below. In addition, the Purdue OWL provides quick-access help for formatting references in APA style.
Use a hard page break to end the References page (use CONTROL + ENTER to insert a hard page break).
Begin on a new page (use a hard page break after the last item on the References page).
Page heading: Same as previous
Place the title on the first line using APA Level 1 heading (centered with upper and lower case letters): Appendix for one. If you have more than one, use capital letters: Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.
Use the line spacing decision for the document situation.
Line justification is flush left leaving a ragged right margin.
Use the paragraph format setting, "none."
Use APA table and figure guidelines. (See above)
Use a hard page break to end each Appendix page (use CONTROL + ENTER to insert a hard page break).
For Disucssion

How would you change this format for a report on usability tests, a proposal, or a progress report? How useful would a template for reports be to an office that had to produce many reports every year?
Copyright 2012
Ida L. Rodgers, See terms on Course Style Guide Home page.